Monday, February 18, 2013

Got Class: You may very well be a part of one, class action law suit

Got Class:  You may very well be a part of one

Our Class Action Team may be able to help.

A plaintiff in a class action is an individual who has been minimally harmed by a drug, defective product, or some form of an unfair business practice.  A pooling of the individual harms in one action is a class action law suit.  Most of the time, this minimal amount of harm is not is enough incentive for an individual to bring an individual suit.  However, all members of the class combined have a substantial harm.  This suit allows an individual or a small group of people to bring a claim on behalf of hundreds, even thousands, of people who have suffered in a similar way.

Examples of class action lawsuits:

·         Recalled prescription drugs

·         Workplace Discrimination

·         Defective manufacturing

·         Toxic exposure to chemical such as asbestos

·         Unpaid overtime wages

·         Bad faith denial of insurance claims

·         Unfair practices by large companies, such as overcharging your statement

If you think you may be a part of such an injured class of plaintiffs, call us for a fee consultation at 310.943.1171 or visit our website: